Good Cigar

Cigar Buying Guide: How to Choose a Good Cigar

Choosing a good cigar can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the world of cigars. With so many options available, it’s important to know what to look for. This guide will help you understand the basics and make a confident choice.

Understanding the Basics of Cigars

Cigars come in various shapes, sizes, and flavors. The first thing to know is the different parts of a cigar: the filler, binder, and wrapper. The filler is the tobacco inside, the binder holds it together, and the wrapper is the outer layer. Each component affects the flavor and smoking experience.

Types of Cigars

There are several types of cigars, including long-filled, short-filled, and machine-made cigars. Long-filled cigars are made with whole leaves, providing a rich and complex flavor. Short-filled cigars use chopped tobacco and tend to burn faster.

Machine-made cigars are more affordable and consistent but may lack depth in flavor. Choose the type that fits your budget and taste preference.

Cigar Sizes and Shapes

Cigars come in many sizes and shapes, called vitolas. Common sizes include Robusto, Toro, and Churchill. The shape can also vary, with options like parejos (straight) or figurados (irregular shapes). Larger cigars often offer a longer smoking experience but can take more time to enjoy. Smaller cigars are great for a quick smoke.

Flavor Profiles

The flavor of a cigar can range from mild to full-bodied. Mild cigars are often smoother and easier for beginners. Full-bodied cigars have stronger flavors and may be better for experienced smokers. Pay attention to tasting notes like spice, sweetness, or earthy tones. The best way to find your preference is to try different cigars.

Humidity and Storage

Proper storage is crucial for keeping your cigars fresh. Use a humidor to maintain the right humidity level, ideally between 65-75%. A well-maintained humidor will preserve the flavor and prevent the cigars from drying out. If you don’t have a humidor, a sealed plastic bag with a humidification device can work in a pinch.

Why Choose Perdomo Cigars

When it comes to quality and flavor, Perdomo Cigars stands out. Founded in 1992, Perdomo is known for its craftsmanship and commitment to quality. They offer a wide range of flavors and sizes, making them a great choice for both beginners and seasoned smokers.

Perdomo Cigars use premium tobacco, ensuring a rich and satisfying smoke every time. If you’re looking for a reliable brand that delivers consistent quality, Perdomo is a solid option.

Tips for Enjoying Your Cigar

To make the most of your cigar experience, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, take your time. Enjoying a cigar is about relaxation, so don’t rush. Cut the cigar just above the cap to ensure a good draw. Lighting is also important; use a butane lighter or wooden matches to avoid altering the flavor.

As you smoke, take slow, steady puffs to enhance the flavor. Finally, don’t forget to savor the aroma and the moment. Cigar smoking is meant to be enjoyable, so find a comfortable spot and appreciate your choice.


Choosing a good cigar doesn’t have to be stressful. By understanding the basics—types, sizes, flavor profiles, and storage—you can find a cigar that suits your taste. Don’t be afraid to explore and try different brands, including Perdomo Cigars, to discover what you enjoy. Happy smoking!