Home Improvement

Top 5 Paths to a Rewarding Career in Property Preservation

The property preservation industry plays a crucial role in safeguarding vacant and foreclosed properties. Professionals in this field ensure the security and maintenance of these properties, minimizing damage and preserving value for future owners. 

If you’re interested in a career that combines aspects of property management, construction, and community service, then property preservation might be a perfect fit. 

This article explores five key paths to enter and thrive within this dynamic and growing field.

Five Ways to Make Property Preservation a Rewarding Career

Here are five ways in which you can make a rewarding career out of property preservation:

1. Gain Relevant Experience

While formal education is not always mandatory for entry-level positions in property preservation, relevant experience can be highly beneficial. Consider pursuing internships with property management companies, construction firms, or non-profit organizations involved in community development. 

These experiences can equip you with practical skills in areas like property maintenance, security measures, and tenant relations.

2. Explore Hazardous Materials Training

Certain property preservation jobs may involve dealing with potential hazards like asbestos, lead paint, or mold. Completing HAZWOPER training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills required to safely handle these hazardous materials. 

This training covers topics like hazard identification, personal protective equipment (PPE) usage, decontamination techniques, and emergency response procedures. 

Earning a hazwoper certification demonstrates your commitment to safety and adherence to industry regulations, making you a more competitive candidate for specific property preservation roles.

3. Develop Construction Skills

A basic understanding of construction principles can be advantageous in property preservation. Consider enrolling in short courses on carpentry, plumbing, or electrical repairs. 

While extensive construction experience may not be necessary, having the ability to perform minor repairs or identify potential problems can be a valuable asset. Furthermore, having knowledge of construction best practices, such as proper use of materials and safety protocols, can be beneficial.

4. Consider Residential Inspection Training

While not directly related to property preservation, home inspection training can provide valuable insights into property condition and potential problems. Understanding building codes, structural integrity, and various home systems allows you to assess the overall health of a vacant property more effectively. 

Furthermore, the skills developed during home inspection training can potentially open doors to future career opportunities within the real estate industry.

5. Network and Build Relationships

Building strong connections within the property preservation industry is crucial for career advancement. Attend industry events, connect with professionals on online platforms like LinkedIn, and consider joining relevant professional associations. 

Networking allows you to learn from experienced individuals, stay informed about job openings, and potentially find mentors who can guide you throughout your career.

Final Words

In conclusion, pursuing a career in property preservation requires a combination of specialized training, construction skills, and networking. By completing hazardous materials training, developing construction knowledge, and considering residential inspection training, you can position yourself as a competitive candidate. Additionally, networking and building relationships within the industry will provide valuable opportunities for growth and mentorship. With dedication and the right skill set, you can thrive in the field of property preservation.